Well, guess what, life is full of surprises, and you can’t always plan for change. I have been a mother for 18 years, and I know that with children comes continuous change: change in their sleeping schedule, new activities, school, classes, friends… So many times over the years I have thought that just when we are comfortable with a schedule, it changes…
And that’s exactly what’s happening right now with the toddler. We are making some changes to his schedule and his activities (and therefore our schedules), and I don’t like them. In fact, I was quite upset over the weekend until I calmed down a bit and realized that it’s all going to work out. And if it doesn’t work out on the first try, we'll work on it until we find a solution that will work for all of us.
One of the changes in the toddler’s schedule makes it more difficult for me to work out at the gym. After
Questions: Are there/have there been any changes in your life that you are not too happy about? If so, how do/did you handle them?
Be well,