Monday, November 30, 2009


After several days of indulging a bit, we all felt like a "fresh breakfast" on Sunday. We started the day with some apple/persimmon/carrot/lemon juice. It was delicious, and the color was gorgeous. We are very lucky as we have a friend with a persimmon tree, so we had a whole big bag of persimmons. We are also lucky to have a friend with a lemon tree...

Next we had sprouted protein bread with avocado, cucumber slices, & basil. The cucumber slices and the basil smelled so fresh, almost like summer. It was a nice change to the heavier, warm foods we have been eating for a while now.

Questions: How do you "balance out" your meals? Do you sometimes feel like something "fresh" after eating a lot of cooked foods? And, it's the final day of our flossing challenge! So you sure flossed today, right?

Be well,