We all know how important it is to get some “me” time on a consistent basis. When I get sufficient some “me” time, I am a much nicer person, which really is a win-win situation for everyone around me! However, I have found that the more hectic life gets, the more difficult it is to get “me” time. Whenever I need to “find a few extra minutes” to accomplish something, it’s my "me" time I cut into.
One of my favorite ways to get about 10 minutes of “me” time is using the steam room at my gym. However, in the last few weeks, I haven’t used it since I’m so busy and try to get in and out of the gym as fast as possible. I also haven’t read a book (for pleasure) in a while.
I’m starting to feel a bit overwhelmed and unbalanced. I think it’s time to slow down a bit again and give myself just a few, uninterrupted minutes each day. I deserve it. How about you? Do you make enough time for yourself on a daily basis? What can you do today to make just a little bit more time for yourself?
November Challenge
And now on to a challenge. Last week Holly from The Healthy Everythingtarian posted 10 confessions. One of them hit home. Namely, the confessions that she doesn’t floss enough. So I thought what better way to do something about my own inconsistent flossing habits than to confess on her blog that I don’t floss enough either. Plus, I challenged her to a 30 Day November Flossing Challenge. And Holly and I thought that there are probably some of you out there who don’t floss enough either. Are we right? If so why don’t you join us on our 30 Day Flossing challenge? Just let us know in the comments if you “are in.”
Happy Monday!
Be well,