When I got the pants, I was drawn to them because they are very similar to the pair they replaced (and I LOVED that pair) and because I love all the different colors in the pants and think I will be able to wear them for most of the year here in California.
Floral Pants with Muted Tops for Fall
So I got out some fall and winter tops and sweaters and experimented. Since I’ve been under the weather all week, I didn’t take photos wearing the outfits (believe me you wouldn’t want to see me!), but I’m showing you the combinations I am thinking off. I know there are more possibilities hidden in my closet, but it’s a start:
First up are the pants with a basic grey sweater. The grey of the sweater matches the grey in the pants and definitely mutes the outfit.
I also got out a deep red sweater. It matches some of the darkest reds in the flowers. I like this combination.
Next I tried pairing the pants with a green blouse; I like that the green of the blouse matches the dark green in the pants.
And then I got a bit adventurous. I dug out a blazer I’ve had for about ten years. I bought it when my mom visited. To be honest, I didn’t really like the blazer, but she LOVED it, and so I bought it (not a good reason to buy clothing!). I’m not sure it actually goes with the pants, but I’ll have to make a decision about the blazer soon. In the ten years I’ve owned it, I’ve only worn it about five times. So either I’ll start wearing it, or I’ll have to find a new home for it.
It is very good quality with nice fabric and interesting details. But I’m just not sure it’s me… Maybe I’ll just have to experiment with different outfits.
Lastly, I got out my yellow chunky sweater for a day when I want to make a bold statement. Maybe to brighten up a rainy day? I’m actually not sure I’ll ever be that daring. We’ll see...
Questions: How long do you hold on to clothing you haven’t worn in a while? At what point do you decide to find a new home for them? Have you ever been influenced by a shopping partner or salesperson to buy something you weren’t sure about?
Be well,