How organized are you? You may ask, "Which aspect of my life?" How about all aspects: work, eating, planning meals, grocery shopping, laundry, living space, garage, car, paying bills, kitchen pantry, closets, bookshelves... The list is long, I know. And it can be a bit overwhelming. We had a few "organization projects" planned for this summer, and we got a lot done (but there is still a lot more to do...).
I have found that when it comes to organizing, it works best for me if I focus on one area at a time, otherwise I get overwhelmed. This summer, we cleaned, rearranged, and organized the garage. We also organized our books. Still on the "to do" list are the kitchen and some "random" closets with "stuff." Oh, and I almost forgot, this blog. :o)
I started this blog to be mindful of living a healthy life. Food, cooking, and recipes soon became a focal point. But, unfortunately, I have realized that my blog is a bit messy. Some recent reader emails have reminded me that it's not easy to find recipes. Some of the recipes are buried in random posts, some are on one of my other blogs and I link to them, some are just not detailed enough. So over the next few weeks, I'll try to clean up and organize this blog a bit more. I plan on adding a recipe tab and list my recipes by category. I may also rewrite some recipes to make them clearer/more detailed. I am giving myself plenty of time to do this, so be patient with me... :o) Also, if you have any suggestions, please let me know!
Questions: What is one area of your life that could use some organization? What is one thing that you can do today to get a bit more organized?
Be well,