Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Are You Too Connected?

I’m talking about high tech connections. High tech connections are essential for most of us. And nothing makes this clearer than when your Internet connection doesn’t work for a while and you are approaching a deadline… Yes, it happened to me not too long ago... All of us are connected through technology, and we have been able to develop wonderful friendships online. For the most part, high tech connections are a good thing. But too much of any one thing isn’t good…

In today’s post on Career Action Now, I talk about the importance of taking frequent tech breaks. I also give some suggestions on how to make sure you’ll take the breaks you need to be well on a daily, weekly, and yearly basis. Finally, I remind the reader not to forget about in-person connections when exploring jobs or looking for a new job. Head over there if you are interested.

Yesterday, the toddler and I disconnected for a good part of the day and explored a beautiful outdoor mall. We had so much fun playing in the warm sunshine, and it was a joy seeing him almost all well again. 

Outdoor mall 02
Outdoor mall 03  Outdoor mall 01

Questions: Do you unplug often enough? How many tech breaks do you take throughout the day, and what do you do? Are you ever truly disconnected? 

Be well,