
Sunday, February 13, 2022

Why I Dislike “50 is the New 30”


50 is the new 30 or 40 or whatever other number. Although I know that there is a lot of research being done regarding reversing one’s biological age, I really dislike this saying. 

50 is 50. That doesn’t mean 50 is old or that we are all of a sudden not strong, capable or vibrant. But as we age, our bodies change and how to keep them healthy and strong on the outside and the inside changes a lot. What worked at 30 or 40 is likely not going to work as well at 50, 60 and beyond. I wish I had been more deliberate in my health choices in my 30s and 40s to lay an optimal foundation for aging, but I also did numerous things “right.” Here is what I did throughout my 30s and 40s:

- Focused on whole foods 

- Kept coffee and alcohol in check (I have since stopped drinking alcohol completely and am still working on not drinking too much coffee)

- Moved daily and really listened to my body (I have always moved my body on a daily basis, but, unfortunately, I didn’t start to really listen to my body until my late 40s)

- Lifted heavy weights (I wasn’t as consistent as I wish I had been. If I could do it over, I would focus on building as much muscle as possible in my 30s and 40s)

- Made sleep a priority (again, I didn’t start really paying attention until my late 40s)

- Spent as much time as possible in nature

The better choices we make, the easier aging will be. And, of course, there is lots of research being done regarding aging optimally and even reversing our biological age. But I think we all need to start with the foundation of daily healthy choices. And I think acknowledging that every age comes with its own challenges and celebrating being alive at every given moment is important. 

Be well, 
