I like the black turtleneck with the white sweater jacket. Black and white/off white is always such a nice color combo.
How Often Should You Replace Your Walking Shoes?
I decided to buy a second pair of Skechers with memory* foam after loving the blue pair I received from Chadwicks of Boston so much. They are truly the most comfortable pair of walking shoes I’ve ever owned. I have to admit that I was really bad last year about switching out my walking shoes and have worn the same pair way too long (you should replace walking shoes every 300 to 500 miles.)
The “walking shoes” I was wearing last year had no cushion or support. In fact, I seriously messed up my big toes (the bruises underneath the nails are still partially there) when we went on a 6-hour, very hilly hike in Lake Tahoe in the summer. I had forgotten to pack my hiking shoes and wore my worn out, too small “fashion athletic shoes” instead.
One might think I would have bought some better shoes right after that experience, but apparently I need to learn lessons the hard way… Regardless, I’m very glad that I found Sketchers and that I ordered a second pair. And I’m determined to keep better track of the mileage I put on them and replace them in a more timely manner…
Questions: Are you vigilant about switching out your walking shoes every 300 to 500 miles? What are your favorite walking shoes?
Be well,
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