Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Time to Reflect

The last few days have been quiet with lots of time to reflect on life and all the things we are grateful for. 2010 has been a happy and healthy year, and we are very thankful. Here are some of the things we’ve been up to:

We went on a hike when the rain took a little break.

We ate delicious crackers with goat cheese. I saw these on Kasey’s blog a while back and put them on my “make list.” They are awesome. I simply mixed some goat cheese with a little salt and pepper and lots of chives. Then I topped the crackers with shaved Parmesan cheese. It’s  such a tasty combination. Thanks Kasey for the idea!

We also had some Chinese takeout food. I think it was the first time this year we got Chinese takeout, and I really enjoyed it! Smile  I got mixed sautéed vegetables with chow main. Very tasty…

We ate Korean Rice Cake Soup at my mother-in-law’s house on Christmas morning - a delicious way to start the day.

Santa brought the toddler a couple of board games. He must have heard me complain that I was really bored with playing Candy Land several times every day… Winking smile  Now we have some variety!

We spent some time figuring out how to operate new toys…

And we rested a lot in between playing games. I think some were more comfortable than others…

Questions: What are your plans for the last days of 2010? I have some work to do to get ready for the start of the Winter Quarter on January 3, but I’m also planning to just relax a lot… Do you set goals at the beginning of a new year? Why or why not? I usually write down some goals as they tend to keep me focused on what really matters. I’ll look back at 2010 and will set some goals for 2011 in the next few days and will share some thoughts with you.

Be well,