Friday, August 27, 2010

Great Food, A Bit Too Much Indulging, and Lots of Changes

We had a great summer and are very thankful for it. We got away a few times, had a much lighter teaching schedule, got to hang out with each other, and ate lots of great food. Probably a bit too much good food as hubby’s pants are REALLY tight. Okay, mine are a bit tight, too… :-)

Here are a few of the things we have been eating. A lot of the food shown was actually hubby’s food (no, I’m not defensive…). But, okay, I’ll admit it, I made sure to “taste” it all… :-)

August Food 03 August Food 05 August Food 06 August Food 04
August Food 02 August Food 01
August Food 07 

After all the indulging, it’s time to “cut back” a bit. Here is my plan:
  • Make veggies and/or fruits the focus of EVERY meal
  • Don’t drink your calories – they add up so quickly
  • Eat at home – that’s where you are truly in control
  • Be focused when exercising (don’t just go through the motions)
  • Move throughout the day as much as possible (take the stairs, park further away, etc. – the little things really add up)
And there have been changes in our house. Last week, I dropped the teenager off at college. I can’t believe I have a child in college… It truly seems like yesterday that he was just a little toddler. I’m excited for him but also a bit worried… I’m sure he’ll have a great time (I just hope he’ll be able to balance studying and having fun…). AND, we got Cable T.V. back, after having been without it for over a year. I signed up for the cheapest option, which has a great introductory rate for the first six months. I’ve never had on demand t.v. and am a bit like a kid in a candy store right now… Yes, overindulging in t.v. isn’t good… I’m working on it!

Questions: What were the highlights of your summer? What do you do when you have overindulged a bit? Any tips? What are your favorite t.v. shows? Not that I should watch any more… :-)

Be Well,