Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dessert Oatmeal for Lunch

Yesterday, I started the day with a nice green juice containing Romaine lettuce, a cucumber, kale, a lemon, and an apple. A little later I had some yogurt. However, all morning, I couldn’t get an oatmeal idea out of my mind. And the idea involved pumpkin butter and cookies! Yes, cookies. Well, I actually ended up using only one cookie, but still…

The cookie came from the samples Newman’s Own Organics sent us, Hermits. 

Here is my bowl of plain oatmeal:

And here is my beloved pumpkin butter.

Here is the pumpkin butter in the oatmeal. I just love looking at it…

And here is the pumpkin butter mixed into the oatmeal with the cookie on the side:

I decided to crumble the cookie on top.

I actually ended up mixing it all together, but I really couldn’t be bothered with taking a picture at that point… It was sooooooo good, and tasted like dessert! And I truly believe it’s okay to eat dessert for lunch a few times per year! But I did make sure to eat plenty of veggies for dinner…

Questions: Do you ever eat oatmeal for lunch or dinner? What is your favorite “dessert oatmeal” creation? And, have you entered the Chobani giveaway? If not, click here.

Be well,