Sunday, December 20, 2009

Family Fun & Some Organic Goodies

For the past week, my brother-in-law has been visiting. The first day the toddler got scared when his uncle walked up the stairs very early in the morning as he hadn’t seen him in a few months, and he wasn’t all the way awake yet (it takes the toddler a LOOONG time to wake up in the morning; something I can’t really relate to as I’m a morning person…). It took the toddler a few hours to adjust to the “new person”… But ever since, he loves being around his uncle.

Here they are having some fun with bubbles…

We have spent a lot of time with my brother-in-law, and he works out with us every day at the gym. He, the teenager, and hubby have also been playing a lot of basketball. It’s sort of strange when your family lives far away as you see them only once in a while, but when you see them, you see them a lot all at once. But we love having him around. Sadly, he is going to leave soon…

My brother-in-law really wanted to eat at some of his favorite restaurants in the area, so we have been eating out a bit more than usual. But we also had plenty of home-cooked meals. Sadly, no pictures were taken of any meals…

A few weeks ago, I was lucky and won Nicole’s giveaway of some Newman’s Own Organics products. And a few days ago I was even luckier when I was sent an entire box of Newman’s Own Organics products to sample. My family was really excited too. The teenager is actually really appreciating organic food these days and even reads labels, something he really started doing after taking a cooking/nutrition class. (I guess sometimes others are a bigger influence than parents…). Anyway, here are our goodies:

I can’t wait to try these products over the next weeks! There are pretzels, cookies, dried fruits (my oatmeal is in desperate need of some variety!), chocolates, mints, etc. I guess my family won’t be able to complain that there is “nothing to eat” in the house for a while. Well, at least there are snacks… But I will play portion control "police" and distribute the goodies as I see fit... Thank you Newman's Own Organics for letting us try these products!

My brother-in-law already sampled the Newman’s Own Organics Milk Chocolate and really liked it.

Questions: Do you live close to your family? Or do some, or most of your family members, live far away? Most of our family lives far, far away. Some of them we don’t even get to see once a year, which is very sad…

Be well,
