Monday, November 9, 2009

Slowing Down & Some Goals

Well, I'm still fighting some "leftovers" from my cold. I am also feeling a bit overwhelmed with "everything" that I have to do. So I decided that it's time (once again) to slow down a bit, get organized, and focus on what really matters.

First, I wrote a "to do" list. Not having to keep track of a "million" things in my head, really helped. Plus, I realized that it's really not a million things (but still quite a few)....

Plus, as I mentioned before, I realized that it's just too easy to not take time for myself and enjoy life as much as I should. So I also wrote down some goals for this week:
  1. Keep exercising: 5 cardio workouts, 3 weight sessions, yoga x 2
  2. Go on a jog with the toddler in his jogging stroller (can count as a cardio workout)
  3. Explore a "new" playground with the toddler
  4. Have a cup of herbal tea at night and catch up with hubby while drinking it
  5. Read for at least 30 minutes before going to bed; be in bed by 10:00 p.m.
Questions: What are your goals this week? Are you making enough time for yourself? You are still flossing, aren't you?

Be well,