Thursday was also the beginning of the kid's birth month, so the kid and I decided to go to Benihana for lunch to celebrate. Benihana is always such a fun experience. The kid got the California rolls, and I got the hibachi scallops.
We also made sure to get enough steps every day and went hiking as well as on several beautiful evening walks.
On Saturday we went to the Mountain View Oktoberfest. Andy writes about the craft beer scene in the South Bay and enjoys checking out beer events. It was a chance to wear my traditional “Oktoberfest blouse.” I did cheat and wore it with jeans and funky shoes, but it’s always fun to dress a bit for the occasion. While it was fun to check out the Oktoberfest, it was a bit too crowded and noisy for me. I must be getting old…
But we went back to the Mountain View Oktoberfest for just a little bit on Sunday after our hike as Andy reminded me that it was also the beginning of his birth month, and that’s how he’d like to celebrate… It was a lot less crowded, and I enjoyed it a lot more.
I didn’t get as much meal prep/precooking done as usual, but we did go grocery shopping. I also made veggie packs (we eat a lot more veggies throughout the week and they don’t go bad if they are all prepped and easy to grab) as well as some spiced applesauce in the slow cooker (I cooked a big bag of peeled & thinly sliced apples with 3/4 cup of water, a little cinnamon sugar, juice of 1/2 lemon & a bit of pumpkin pie spice on high for 3.5 hours). The spiced applesauce filled our kitchen with the most amazing smell. I look forward to having it in oatmeal with some yogurt.
Here is what’s on the menu for this week:
Meal 1: Scallops & roasted veggies - I was inspired by the hibachi scallops at Benihana. I know mine won’t be quite as good though...
Meal 2: Chili - It’s not quite “chili" weather yet around here, but I’m in the mood!
Meal 3: Butternut squash soup & a salad.
Meal 4: Spaghetti squash & mushroom casserole.
Questions: What was the highlight of your weekend? What’s on your menu this week?
Be well,